Our Donors Are Special
How we screen our donors
It takes a special kind of woman to be an egg donor. The process is
time consuming and physically demanding.
Donors are compensated for their time; however most donors tell us
that while money may have the initial draw, in the end they are
motivated by something entirely different. Many have felt powerless
as friends or family members share the pain of infertility. Some are
mothers themselves and their gratitude for their own children
enables them to feel immense compassion for women who struggle with
infertility. They all share a desire to help other women to become
mothers and are willing to sacrifice their time and comfort in order
to give such a precious gift.
These young women are all healthy, educated and talented individuals. Ranging in age from 19 to 31 years old, all donors pass a rigorous screening process; in fact fewer than 2% of applicants are admitted to our program. We provide extensive information on every donor so that you can be very comfortable when making your decision about which donor to choose.
• Current photos
• Childhood photos • Audio interviews
• Blood type & Rh
• Ethnic background
• Family medical
• Height & weight
• Body build
• Eye color
• Hair color &
• Years of education
and areas of study
• Occupation
• Scholastic Aptitude
Test (SAT) scores and grade point averages
• Special interests and
• Written essay
• Personality typing
• Cycle history
(Whether pregnancies have been achieved)
Every Donor Goes Through a Vigorous Screening Process
Donors are extensively tested for genetic and infectious diseases,
including the following (as recommended and/or required by American
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of
Medical Genetics, American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the
Federal Food and Drug Administration.)
• HIV 1, 2 & 0, Hepatitis B
& C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea & Chlamydia
• Full chromosome analysis (karyotype) • DNA testing for Cystic Fibrosis (99 mutations), Fragile X, Tay Sachs & Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) • Fertility evaluation including hormone testing and ultrasound evaluation of the ovaries • An extended screening panel for specific, ancestry-based genetic disorders |
One woman reflects on her experience as an egg donor as she gets
ready to exit the program. Her compassionate attitude and giving
nature is representative of the women who choose to donate at GIVF.