Donor Egg IVF

What is Donor Egg IVF?

Donor Egg IVF is a form of IVF where a woman uses a donor's egg instead of her own to get pregnant. It can be a great option if you have struggled with traditional IVF or are over 40 years old. Using a donor's eggs overcomes a lot of the challenges that typically make it hard for older patients to conceive, including decreased egg quality and/or quantity due to age or to other medical conditions. It allows many women who are unable to become pregnant with their own eggs to become pregnant very easily.


Donor Egg IVF is also easier on your body than a typical IVF or ICSI cycle using your own eggs because there are less procedures to endure.

Most patients find that the Donor Egg IVF experience is very different from IVF or ICSI using their own eggs. Many find the Donor Egg IVF process to be more simple and effective. This is often the result when Donor Egg IVF treatment is delivered using high quality donors by an experienced clinical team.


Here at GIVF, you will be assigned a Donor Egg Coordinator who will be your single point of contact throughout your fertility treatment. Our coordinators are experienced in working with international patients and are committed to providing you with all the support and assistance you need to succeed with Donor Egg IVF.


Typically, you will choose and be matched with one donor, but there is also the choice to share a donor with another recipient. In some cases, patients choose to use a donor that they know, usually friends or family. We will help you navigate all of the choices.


Donor Egg IVF is a very simple process and GIVF has phenomenal success rates. GIVF accepts Donor Egg IVF patients up to age 55.


Emotional Support

GIVF is committed to providing you all the tools you need to succeed in building a family. Part of this is patient support, education, and counseling with a licensed therapist who is herself a donor egg mother. Her unique perspective of professional and personal experience lends her an insightful level of compassion that many patients find helpful. One-one-one patient support and support groups are available for individuals and couples.

Choosing a Donor Egg IVF Program

Choosing a Donor Egg IVF program is a decision with life-long implications and you should consider all of the elements before making a decision.


GIVF has a very special Donor Egg IVF program and that is why so many patients from around the world place their confidence us. We have a stellar team and we are experienced in minimizing travel inconveniences to make the process as effortless as possible.

We eliminate delays and administrative barriers so that patients can get started with treatment very quickly. We are generally able to meet the needs of even the most discriminating patients immediately, and are often able to provide appropriate donors in highly complex and special situations. We hope you'll consider starting the process today so we can get busy on our journey together.